Worldwide Equipment - Cross Lanes

408 Goff Mountain Road
Cross Lanes WV 25313
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
عرض رقم الهاتف
الموقع الإلكتروني:أضغط هنا

وصف الشركة

Currently, Worldwide Equipment, Inc. operates in 7 states, 22 full-service dealerships, 17 leasing locations, 4 satellite parts stores, and 1 customer fabrication shop. We currently employ over 1,000 employees, including some of the most extensively trained service technicians in the industry. By continually offering training and advancement opportunities, our employees have the ability to reach their full potential.

Our history assures you that you can depend on Worldwide Equipment to be here to provide the products and service you need for as long as you own your trucks. Our strong financial position, large coverage area, and experienced personnel allow us to provide very competitive pricing and premium services not readily available from other dealerships.

Stop by one of our locations today to see how Worldwide Equipment is changing the trucking industry and how your company can benefit from our experience.

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      هذه هي صفحة شركةWorldwide Equipment - Cross Lanes الموجودة في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية, West Virginia, Cross Lanes.