أقصى ارتفاع للرافعة
3٬840 سم
محرك نقل
Detroit Diesel 6V71
Engine manufacturer
Detroit Diesel
أبعاد النقل (طول×عرض×ارتفاع)
1143 x 292.1 x 330.2 مم
الإطارات الأمامية / محمل السيارة المتبقي
الإطارات الخلفية المتبقية
بلد الإنتاج
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
معلومات أخرى
Videos to be uploaded soon.
This unit is fully operational. Comes equipped with a Cranesmart brand wireless LMI system. (Load monitoring indicator) It is equipped with a 6 Cylinder Detroit Diesel 6V71 engine and a 13 speed manual Eaton transmission. Engine is turbo over supercharged, runs fantastic, previous owner had major engine repairs completed.
Fully extended boom length is 126 feet not including a jib. Crane is designed and manufactured to be used with a jib, all storage points for a jib are still present. Load charts do present weights and limits for use with a jib.
There are two hydraulic pumps, one is the main pump running all crane functions, the other is used for outrigger operation. Final boom section is a manually operated and pinned section. Machine comes with full OEM operators, service, and parts manuals.
In 2020 the entire machine was reassessed resealing all hydraulics including the swivel, the boom cylinders both inside the boom and the two external lifting cylinders, and the outrigger extensions cylinders. One of the hydraulic pumps was completely resealed as well. The air conditioning unit on the driver cab was installed new in 2020 and the interior of both cabs were redone in 2020. Our crane smart LMI was installed around the same time and the entire machine was painted, received brand new aluminum wheels all the way around, all new tires, all new led lights, and a new front bumper. All outrigger pads/feet were also purchased new.
We have only used this machine a handful of times since then. Will be sold as is; no warranties or liability assumed by the seller.عرض المزيد