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HDPE Leiding HDPE PIPES (Afvoerbuis) 10'' flanges pipes

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HDPE Leiding HDPE PIPES (Afvoerbuis) 10'' flanges pipes
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رقم المخزون الداخلي
معلومات عن المضخمة
Field of application: construction
NL: Direct inzetbaar, Geschikt voor het verpompen van bentoniet en booremulsies, Geschikt voor het verpompen van oppervlaktewater /bouwplaats water, Geschikt voor het verpompen van rioolwater, leverbaar met iedere wenselijke snelkoppeling., MEERDERE STUKS OP VOORRAAD!, PUMPED UP AND READY TO FLOW!, Verpompen van waterdunne tot hoog viskeuze vloeistoffen en of vaste bestanddelen, Wij verzorgen passende documentatie ten behoeve van Export EN: available with any desired quick coupling., Can be used immediately, MULTIPLE UNITS IN STOCK!, PUMPED UP AND READY TO FLOW!, Pumping water-thin to highly viscous liquids and/or solid components, Suitable for pumping bentonite and drilling emulsions, Suitable for pumping sewage, Suitable for pumping surface water / construction site water, We provide appropriate documentation for the purpose of Export
معلومات أخرى
HDPE discharge pipes, suitable for pumping practically all media. Due to the 10'''' flange connection, very practical in use, easy to assemble. length of the pipe, 5.5 meters 50 pcs.. in stock IN STOCK, IMMEDIATELY USEABLE! = More information = Year of manufacture: 2012 Please contact Gert-Jan Kruitbosch (+31648061001, sales@vantongerentrading.nl) or John van Tongeren (+31620537017) for more information = Dealer information = Aroused your interest? . The sales team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. CALL or EMAIL us, we are here for you! We would like to be your supplier ! Also for spare parts, pipes, hoses , coupling systems and fittings. A physical visit to our location is very well possible! Make your visit known in advance to avoid disappointment. Visit : from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 17.00 on Saturdays or in the evenings by appointment.عرض المزيد

Van Tongeren Trading

Tweelingenlaan 111 7324 AR Apeldoorn Gelderland هولندا
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