Eddy Moermans Handelsonderneming BV

Groenseykerstraat 6
6161 SG
, NL
.البائع الذي تم التحقق منه: 14 من السنوات Mascus
زيارة وكيل
الحصول على إشعار عبر البريد الإلكتروني
Eddy Moermans business enterprise is a renowned company that has built up a reputation in the field of used trucks, industrial machines, paving and much more over several decades.
We keep our stock of trucks and industrial machines at Groenseykerstraat in Geleen. The site can be easily reached via motorway A76. See also our route description.
Eddy Moermans Handelsonderneming b.v. is a father-to-son family-run company with a history spanning several decades. Hundreds of products find their way to new satisfied owners through our company every year.
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