Cisco Equipment Rentals LLC

520 SE Loop 338
Odessa TX 79762
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
عرض رقم الهاتف
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وصف الشركة

CEO of Cisco Equipment since 2017, CJ Sibert purchased the Company from his father in 2019. From learning the business as a child on the shop floor to leading the Company’s international operations in Russia and Papau New Guinea this is a role CJ has spent a lifetime preparing for.

With expertise and experience gained providing equipment solutions and project management services in the most challenging operating environments, Cisco Equipment provides a project-focused approach to equipment rentals and sales.

With an unparallel understanding of our Customers’ needs, we integrate our team on projects to ensure a 360-degree approach to providing equipment, maintenance, and ancillary services.

Cisco Equipment Rentals LLC: إعلانات التجار على موقع ماسكوس

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      إرسال رسالة إلى التاجر

      هذه هي صفحة شركةCisco Equipment Rentals LLC الموجودة في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية, Texas, Odessa.